Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes in English

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes were made after hearing his many Spiritual Discourses.  According to his Official Website, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is considered by his followers as a true representative of the Supreme Almighty. His teachings emphasize that he is the only enlightened saint in the universe capable of imparting true spiritual knowledge and guiding people on the correct path of worshiping the Almighty God Kabir. In the following, we will highlight some of the teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Brief introduction about Sant Rampal Ji

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is a highly revered saint with a global following. Over a crore people have been inspired by his spiritual discourses and taken Name Initiation. His teachings are incredibly unique and distinguish him from other saints. This bearded and mustache-free saint is known for his simplicity and intelligence.

His ideologies are focused on providing Tatvgyan, improving society, fostering peace, and creating harmony in the world. Since the founding of the Satlok Ashram Organization in 2000, he has tirelessly worked day and night to bring happiness to the world, providing Tatvgyan and breaking all types of stereotypes from society. He comes from a well-developed farming family, he has experience working in the government’s Irrigation Department in Haryana.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is known for his comprehensive teachings on the constitution of God, the Almighty, and various religions. He delves into the details of these subjects, drawing evidence from the holy books of different faiths to prove his claims. His teachings aim to show, with reference to these holy texts, that Kabir is indeed God, a conclusion that aligns with the teachings found in various religious scriptures

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s social team is renowned for its strength, not only in India but across the world. His teachings have a profound impact like a streak of stone on his followers, from the youngest children to the elderly. His influence is such that he transforms people from leading lives astray to embracing a more godly path.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes

  1. Those who don’t have faith, don’t deserve salvation.Those who don’t have faith, don’t deserve salvation. #SantRampalJiQuotes #SantRampalJiMaharaj #Quotes

  2. One who will serve and do Bhakti, will only get its results. #SantRampalJiQuotes

  3. God Kabir can remove all the miseries.

  4. God Kabir is the giver of Bhakti and Salvation.

  5. When someone comes in the refuge of God Kabir by means of a Complete Guru, then its pain of Birth & Death ends forever. #SantRampalJiMaharajQuotes #Quotes

  6. You have received this human life to do Bhakti and auspicious deeds.

  7. By being addicted to intoxicants we have made our home a hell. Which is not in our destiny.

  8. Nobody can bring happiness except God Kabir Saheb ji.

  9. The actual work of a human being is incomplete and useless without Bhakti.

  10. Supreme god kabir is controlling everyone, sitting on throne in Satlok.Supreme god kabir is controlling everyone, sitting on throne in Satlok. #Quote #SantRampalJiQuotes #SaintRampalJi

  11. This human body has been obtained with numerous virtues. Do not destroy it by committing sins.

  12. By being addicted to intoxicants we have made our home a hell which is not in our destiny.

  13. The Supreme god himself comes as the messenger of his own Tatvgyan.

  14. Lord Kabir does not Betray like Kaal.

  15. Make time to attain God.

  16. A sinful person becomes virtuous by taking refuges in satguru.

  17. Chanting Mantras Without a true guru is useless.

  18. Kaal cannot harm the devotee of Lord Kabir. #LordKabir #KabirSahebJi #SantRampalJiQuotes

  19. It is Heinous sin to commit suicide. #SaintRampalJiQuote

  20. Your eyes of knowledge have been blindfolded by ignorance. They are opened in satsang by which one attains salvation.Your eyes of knowledge have been blindfolded by ignorance. They are opened in Satsang by which one attains salvation. #SaintRampalJi #Quote #SantRampalJiQuotes

  21. The True Guru Transform a human being into a deity.

  22. Acquire the true path of human life.

  23. The power of bhakti is needed to cross the bhav saagar.

  24. We suffer because we have forgotten god. #jagatgururampalji #Quotes #SatBhaktiSandesh

  25. True Guru dispels every doubt.

  26. Religious scriptures are the constitution made by God. A person who violets the constitution is punished.

  27. A complete saint only can narrates the whole story of of Nature creation.

  28. Everything is perishable in this mortal world.

  29. Those who do not perform True Bhakti ruined their lives in accumulating wealth.

  30. You have forgotten the promise that you were made in the mother womb from God, that you never forget God.

    You have forgotten the promise that you were made in the mother womb from God, that you never forget God. #SantRampalJiMaharajQuotes #GodMorning #Quotes #SpiritualQuotes #SantRampalJiQuotes

  31. Worship of Brahm is Anutam(bad).

  32. God kabir has stated that god stays with a compassionate person not with an arrogant person.

  33. One Should Gain the knowledge of vedas and scriptures from the true Guru.

  34. I have such a mantras of Bhakti that will end the cycle of BIRTH and DEATH forever.

  35. Those who say that god is formless who is completely unfamiliar with god and worship.

  36. One cannot attain peace by doing meditation and keeping Fasts.

  37. All living beings have come from Satlok and are trapped in kaal brahm’s lok.

  38. Until you become free from debt you can not go out of kaal brahm’s jail.

  39. The word impossible is not in the dictionary of god kabir.

  40. You are watering(worshipping) the branches instead of the root( puran parmatma).You are watering(worshipping) the branches instead of the root( puran parmatma). #SaintRampalJiQuote #SantRampalJiMaharaj #Quotes #QuotesSantRampalJi

  41. Without a true guru one will terrible suffering.

  42. Nothing can be achieved without the almighty.

  43. A devotee should be benevolent.

  44. There will be an account of virtues and sins in the court of God After death.

  45. Do not Worry Kabir Is God.

  46. Desires can be only reduced with true knowledge.

  47. Sacred monuments are respectable but self-welfare is only possible by doing Bhakti sadhna according to the tatvagyan mentioned in holy Gita, Holy vedas and as given by Parmeshvar Kabir ji. #kabirsahebji #lordkabir #SaintRampalJi #SantRampalJi_Quotes

  48. God will help you if you will do bhakti with a True Heart.

  49. All the Joys and comforts remain present as a servant of the worshipper.

  50. Mantras that are not certified by scriptures useless.

    Mantras that are not certified by scriptures useless. #SantRampalJi #GodNight #SatBhaktiSandesh #SantRampalJiQuote

  51. Those who don’t have any guru are wasting their time.

  52. God kabir heal the pain of his devotee. #SpiritualQuotes #lordkabir #SaintRampalJi #SantRampalJi_Quotes

  53. Agorrance cannot be destroyed without acomplete guru.

  54. People hide their own mistakes but reveal the faults of others.

  55. Never cruse or bless anyone. Seek blessings from god only.

  56. The Flaws we see in others is our own reflection.

  57. Satguru grants bhakti and salvation.

  58. Do not kill or any living being.

  59. No one has ever escaped the eyes of God.

  60. Fear the God who give you life and breath.

    Fear the God who give you life and breath. #SantRampalJiQuotes #SaintRampalJi #Quotes #godquotes #spiritualquotes

All images Credit Goes to – Sa News that used in post-Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes in English.

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